For a 48 hour weekend game jam myself and a few friends got together to use Unreal Engine 4 to develop a game. The theme for the jam was “Super”, the theme proved to be rather generic and difficult to think of something different, however after some time one members google experience led them to Superdrug, a drugs shop. This led the project along a tangent and ultimately ended up in what we made. A short level where the player does something to change their colour perception allowing them to pass where they previously could not and changing their vision whilst they are at it. Within the player has to make the delivery round to gnomes and make it to the exit with some time targets to beat.

Within the project I used blueprints to make the colour switching mechanic work, hooking up the UI, created niagra particle systems, and experimented with post process effects for the colour visuals. I also had some fun with the general layout of the level with the particularly difficult gnomes to deliver to near the start.

on off

The trick to the gnomes was to throw whilst blue was visible so it would hit the very top, and then switch off of the blue after the projectile collides so it could connect with the awaiting gnomes below. All in all it was a rather strange jam.

The game is available for download on itch
